
Perfect mimics

Stick insects have adapted to a certain way of behaving. Their behaviour increases their chances of survival.

Discuss how the pattern of behaviour shown in the video (click to see a 120 kb video) and the appearance of the insect help increase its chances of survival.

The female Spiny Leaf Insect looks menacing as it rest on a tree.
The male Spiny Leaf Insect is well camouflaged in the tree. As the wind blows across its body, like all stick insects, it will sway from side to side as though it is a leaf. Click to see a brief video (60kb)

Stick insects have behaviours that cause them to mimic their surroundings perfectly. They sway in the wind to mimic leaves. Even when they are not on a tree this behaviour is so strongly embedded in their brain that they will sway side to side when air is blown across their body.


Home of stick insects